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Classification of Data

A process of arranging raw data in a very systematic manner considering certain characteristic (under consideration)

Objective of classification

(i) It eliminates unnecessary details to facilitate desired statistical analysis.

(ii) Proper statistical analysis can be done only for well classified data.

(iii) Classification of data focus on a certain area as per requirement, which facilitate to apply statistical tools.

There are four type of classification :

(i)Time series data :

It is also known as temporal data or chronological data. It is arranged with respect to time.
e.g. The number of student appeared for CS foundation for last nine years.

(ii) Geographical classification :

It is also known as spatical data. It is collected with respect to region or location.
e.g. Student appeared for CS foundation in the year 2016, of various cities in U.P.

(iii) Qualitative or ordinal data :

It is arranged or classified on the basis of quality (attributes).
e.g. Data on gender, qualification, drinking habit and etc.

(iv) Quantitative or cardinal data :

It is arranged or classified on the basis of numeric characteristics (which can be measured in number, countable).
e.g. Data with respect to height, weight, profit, sold item and etc.