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Theory and Formula

Important Formula of Time and Distance

(1) . Time taken by a train x meters long to pass a pole or standing man or a post= Time taken by the train to travel x meters.

(2) . Time taken by a train x meters long to pass an object of length y meters= Time taken by the train to travel (x+y)metres.

(3). If two trains are moving in opposite directions at v1 m/s and v2 m/s, then their relative
speed = (v1 + v2)m/s

(4). Assume two trains of length x metres and metres are moving in opposite directions at v1 m/s, and v2m/s then the time taken by the trains to cross each other =
x+y/v1 + v2

(5). Assume two trains of length x metres and y metres are moving in the same direction at v1m/s and v2 m/s where v1m/s > v2m/s Then the time taken by the faster train to cross the slower train =
x+y/v1 - v2

(6) . Relation between time, distance and speed: Speed is distance covered by a moving object in unit time.

Speed =
Distance Covered/Time Taken

(7) . Relation between two values when third is constant.

(i) . When speed is constant distance covered by the object is directly proportional to the time taken.

If Sa=Sb,then

(ii) . When time is constant speed is directly proportional to the distance travelled.

If Ta=Tb , then

(iii) . When distance is constant speed is inversely proportional to the time taken ie if speed increases then time taken to cover the distance decreases.

If Da=Db then ,

(8). If the speed of the body is chnaged in the ratio x:y, then the ratio of time taken changes in the ratio y:x.

(9). Conversion
(a). xkm/hr = (x.

(b). xm/s = (x.

(10) . Suppose a man covers a certain distance at x km/hr and an equal distance at y km/hr. Then, the average speed during the whole journey is   (
2xy/x + y

(11) . If two persons A and B start at the same time in opposite directions from to points (say P and Q respectively) and after passing each other they complete the journey A and B hrs respectively , Then

Speed of A : Speed of B = √b : √a