Geometric Mean
The set of n positive observations, the G.M. is defined as the n-th root of the product of the observations . If a variable x assumes n
values x1 , x2 , x3 , ---------- xn (all observation should be positive) , then the G.M. of
x is given by
G = ( x1 . x2 . x3 . ---------- xn)1/n (for Raw data)
G = ( x1f1 . x2f2 . x3 f3
. ---------- xnfn)1/n (for ungrouped data)
G = ( x1f1 . x2f2 . x3 f3
. ---------- xnfn)1/n (for grouped data)
This formula is same as ungrouped data
in this xi = mid - point .
Properties of G.M
(1) If z = x.y , then G.M of z = (G.M. of x) . (G.M. of y)
If z =
, then G.M of z =
G.M of x/G.M of y
(3) Logarithm of G for set of observations is the A.M of the logarithm of the observations .
log(GM) = logx1 + log x2 + ---------- logxn/
G.M = antilog
G.M = antilog
xi = Mid points of class intervals .
(4) If all the observation of a data are equal , say k , (k>0)
, then the G.M of the data will also be k .
Weighted Geometric Mean
When all the n individual observations in a set of data are not equally important . It is
denoted as G.Mw
GMw = antilog
(w1logx1 + w2logx2 + --------- + wilogxi
/w1 + w2 + --------- + wi
GMw = antilog
/∑ wi
Combined Geometric Mean (GMc)
GMc = antilog
(n1logGM1 + n2logGM2 + --------- + nklogGMk
/n1 + n2 + --------- + nk
GMc = antilog
/∑ ni
Note :- G.M is specifically useful in averaging ratios , percentages and rates of change in one period over the other .